
Using smart technology to better serve your client.


Welcome to V-By technology!

This website speaks directly to the wholesale designer, manufacturer or road rep who is looking for new ways to expand business using smart technology.

I originally created V-By (Virtual By…) as a veteran independent road rep because I saw the need to introduce safer and more cost effective ways to conduct my business.

During the development of V-By technology, I knew I had to emulate the “live, face-to-face” experience of sitting with my clients in their stores. It was at that time that I was able to identified the 2 most important elements: Firstly, my clients had to know that I was physically there and able to answer their questions or address their issues in the moment. Secondly, I had to show them product so perfectly that they could order without hesitation. V-By does both of those things and has begun to get traction throughout the jewelry industry.

V-By began as an online selling tool for the wholesale jewelry industry. Today it has grown to include video marketing and educational capabilities. Each of these tools allows you, the wholesaler, to connect with your clients in new and effective ways.

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